Online Auction


Plot of land with an area of 596.53 m2, Dar Al-Mahfuzat building - Tanta

Elfateh Street beside Banque Misr Branch, Tanta, Gharbiya, Egypt
Starting Bid : E£ 0
Bidding Units : Total Price
Property overview
  • Area - 597
  • Asset Type: - Resale
  • Property Type: - Residential
  • Occupancy: - Occupied
Buyers Commission
  • Buyers Commission:- 3%
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Discover this prime property, featuring a 4-floor building located on a 596.53 m² plot in the vibrant center of Tanta, near Al-Fateh Street. Known as Dar Al-Mahfuzat, this building offers numerous possibilities for investors or developers seeking a versatile asset.

The building consists of:

  • Ground Floor: Covering 448 m², this floor provides substantial space suitable for commercial, office, or storage use.
  • Three Upper Floors: Each floor spans 436 m², offering adaptable spaces ideal for offices, residential units, or other commercial purposes. The total usable space across the three upper floors is 1308 m².

Development Potential: This property presents a rare opportunity for redevelopment. The building can be demolished and rebuilt to meet modern specifications, providing a blank canvas for a completely new project, whether residential, commercial, or mixed-use. Its location and size make it a strong candidate for reconstruction in line with the latest urban trends.

Location Highlights:

  • Located in Hosh El-Shoubry, a desirable area of Tanta.
  • Close proximity to major roads and key urban centers, ensuring easy access and excellent visibility.
  • Al-Fateh Street is a major artery of the city, adding to the property’s commercial appeal.

With its strategic location and flexible usage options, this property is an exceptional investment, offering the potential to retain the existing structure or embark on a full-scale redevelopment project.

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    Any documents and/or pictures posted herein or elsewhere on, (the "Website") are for informational purposes only, and may not represent the current condition of the Property or the condition of the Property at the time of sale. The posting of pictures herein or elsewhere on the Website does not constitute a guarantee that any items represented in the pictures will be present when the buyer takes possession of the Property.


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    You are encouraged to conduct your own due diligence and investigate all matters relating to the Property. It is recommended that you seek independent advice, including legal advice, to perform your due diligence and that you use good faith efforts in determining that the content of all information provided to or obtained by you is accurate.

    ونوصى بإجراء البحث الخاص بك والتحقيق في جميع الأمور المتعلقة بالعقار. كما نوصى بأن تطلب المشورة المستقلة، بما في ذلك المشورة القانونية، لأداء بحثك الخاص، وأن تستخدم جهود حسنة النية في التحقق من دقة محتوى جميع المعلومات المقدمة لك أو التي تحصل عليها.


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