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Buyers, Brokers and Sellers

Watch the videos below to see how belmazad can empower you
with technology to buy & sell properties fast at the Best Market Value!!

Belmazad Buyer icon

I am a Buyer

  • Verified Offers Only: To maintain a tursting bidding environment, only verified bidders participate using OTP and credit card authorisation. No Deposits
  • Verified Listings: trust is paramount. That's why we provide a wide range of properties, each one verified for your peace of mind, No more honey traps
  • Two Auction strategies to choose from:
    Make an Offer
    Live Bid
  • Winning Offer: At the end of the auction, the highest offer that meets the seller’s approval wins. No surprise changes, no hidden conditions.
  • Secure Payments: Winning bidder has 48 hours to submit 10% of the winning bid amount or full amount in escrow and sign agreement ensuring a fast and risk free transfer of payment and title.
Belmazad Broker Icon

I am a Broker

  • Gauranteed Commissions for seller or buyer or both
  • Fast and Simple process to sell a property online
  • Transparent bids with verified & serious buyers
  • No negotiations the market competes online
  • No listing fees only success fees when we sell
  • Targeted Marketing Campaign for each auction
  • Fair & transparent online Auction Engine
  • Two Auction strategies to choose from :
    Make an Offer
    Live Bid
  • Broker Portal to track auctions, leads and more
  • No risk as your client’s price is kept hidden and set as the reserve not to be sold until met or exceeded
  • Professional services are available for photography & property valuations. We also provide escrow service to ensure a risk free transfer of money and title.
Belmazad Buyer icon

I am a Seller

  • Fast and Simple process to sell a property online
  • Transparent bids with verified & serious buyers
  • No negotiations
  • No listing fees
  • Pay only when you sell.. We only make money when you do
  • Targeted Marketing Campaign for each auction
  • Fair & transparent online Auction Engine
  • Two Auction strategies to choose from :
    Make an Offer
    Live Bid
  • No risk as your desired price is kept hidden and set as the reserve not to be sold until met or exceeded
  • Dedicated auction managers & brokers network to ensure all leads on your auction are followed up on & you get the most bidders competing for your property
  • Professional services are available for:
    photography & property valuations.
    We also provide escrow service to ensure a risk free transfer of money and title.
Belmazad Broker icon

Escrow Service

  • Enhanced Security: Ensures both buyers and sellers are protected from fraud, providing a safe transaction environment.
  • Trust and Confidence: Builds trust between parties by guaranteeing funds are securely held until all conditions of the sale are met.
  • Neutral Third Party: Offers an unbiased intermediary to manage and oversee the transaction, ensuring fairness.
  • Risk Mitigation: Reduces the risk of non-payment for sellers and non-delivery for buyers
  • Transaction Transparency: Provides clear records and updates, keeping both parties informed throughout the process.
  • Simplified Process: Streamlines the buying and selling process with clear guidelines andsteps, making transactions smoother and more efficient.